The rise of Fintechs (true) and some nonsensical conclusions you can reuse in presentations… I would like to share with you the conclusions of some (not) in depth analysis I have conducted, all supported by graphs (i.e. it must be true). 2015, the Fintech year? The above graph shows the rise in searches on google involving the word “Fintech”. That’s a truly remarkable graph, illustrating the increase in interest for Fintechs during the course of 2015, the word itself appearing as early as 2006. It will be interesting to see the trend in 2016. Verdict: conclusive Will digital transformation of big banks manage to fend off the threat of disruption? Yes! It seems that in 2015, according to google searches, Digital transformation has succeeded in fighting off disruption. Maybe not.. Apologies, actually it seems that even with the numerous digital…