
Open banking_Nesta_challenge

On the 11th of April 2017,  4by90 and French Digital organised with Nesta an event in Paris to discuss the Open Up Challenge and how French and UK startups were approaching Open Banking. The event was supported by Business France and hosted by our partner Early Metrics.   If you don’t know about the Open Up Challenge, you should check it out (here) In this short post,  I would like to capture some of the points that were discussed during the event as well as highlight a number of questions that ought to be considered. The views expressed here are my own and do not engage the responsibility of anyone mentioned below. I had the privilege to moderate the discussion with an excellent panel of individuals for whom Open Banking really matter for their business. Bruno Van Haetsdaele – CEO et cofondateur…


Part 2 – Why challenger banks need to be 100 times better than incumbents In my previous article I attempted to reframe the “Fintech debate” into one centred around its goal (competition) rather than its means (Innovation, Fintecth, etc.). In this piece I would like to offer a framework to discuss what an overall banking proposition is and why one will be better than another. This will lead me to argue that a challenger will have to be 100 times better than an incumbent to challenge at scale. What is a bank made of? First I would like to propose a simple model that will give us a framework to discuss the competitive advantages of different retail banking propositions. Let’s consider a retail bank to be made up of 4 core blocks: A block that makes it profitable and ensure it…


Forget about Fintechs and Innovation, they aren’t the point – Part 1: It’s all about competition This is the first instalment of a few articles to share my perspective on innovation, retail banking, Fintechs and competition. If you see some value in my perspective please do let me know. As they say on youtube “like it, share it, comment on it!” In this first piece I would like to challenge the usual narrative around Fintech discussions. I would like more focus on the end goal and whether it’s achieved (i.e. winning the competition war) rather than the means (Innovation, Fintech, etc). That will set the scene for my second piece around how we should evaluate emerging banking propositions. It’s a question of competition That’s a fairly simple point, but I think one that is far too often forgotten. All the discussions around…


What disruptive banking might really look like… So far, not much disruption… There is much talk about disruption and challenger banks. But there is currently little evidence of anything disruptive in the pipeline. Obviously, most haven’t even got their banking licenses yet and haven’t launched, hence it is hard to provide a final opinion on the matter. And by its very nature disruption tends to take industries by surprise. But judging challenger banks by what they promise to offer and solely on publicly available information, none bar one, promises anything that qualifies as being disruptive proposition-wise. None seem to plan to offer anything truly different from what existing banks provide. For most, based on their current PR, positioning and promises, they  sound very similar to what established banks are doing or are in the process of doing. Why does being disruptive matter for challenger banks?…

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The rise of Fintechs (true) and some nonsensical conclusions you can reuse in presentations… I would like to share with you the conclusions of some (not) in depth analysis I have conducted, all supported by graphs (i.e. it must be true). 2015, the Fintech year? The above graph shows the rise in searches on google involving the word “Fintech”. That’s a truly remarkable graph, illustrating the increase in interest for Fintechs during the course of 2015, the word itself appearing as early as 2006. It will be interesting to see the trend in 2016. Verdict: conclusive Will digital transformation of big banks manage to fend off the threat of disruption? Yes! It seems that in 2015, according to google searches, Digital transformation has succeeded in fighting off disruption. Maybe not.. Apologies, actually it seems that even with the numerous digital…